Printing Services
for students and clients
Poster Printing
Please send posters to the GIS Lab at least 48 hours in advance of when poster is needed to ensure adequate time for review and printing.
Custom sizes and price quotes are available upon request.
Students are allowed two posters free of charge per academic year and must include the AUNE logo.
Color Printing
8.5x11” color sheets can be printed in the GIS Lab for $0.20/page.
For regular (8.5x11) color prints, please send your files as PDFs to the GIS Lab on at least 24 hours in advance of when they are needed.
Individual students can print up to 5 free pages per semester.
Student groups, on-campus centers and departments who wish to use the GIS Lab printer must choose between the adjacent printing fees each semester. Unused funds will carry over to the next semester.
Printing Procedures and Payment
Exact cash, checks, and internal transfers are acceptable forms of payment. Checks should be made payable to “Antioch University New England” with “ASAL poster printing” or “ASAL color printing” in the memo and shall be submitted to the ES Department before printing (see “Mail to” address at bottom of page).
Antioch academic and research needs should budget in printing costs. If printing costs are an issue contact ASAL Directors.
Use of the GIS Lab’s color printer and plotter is limited to only GIS instructors, GIS Lab Manager, and GIS teaching assistants. Special exceptions can be made as necessary with the approval of GIS Lab staff.