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GIS Courses at Antioch University

Antioch University offers Participatory, Introduction, Advanced, and Applied GIS courses for new and continuing students.
Students who complete the Introductory, Advanced, and Applied GIS courses will earn a certificate in Applied Spatial Analysis for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For more information about the certificate program, please click here!

Our ArcGIS Online Portal

Discover more about our graduate coures, certificate program, and recent internship programs on our ArcGIS Online Portal

Participatory GIS:

This course will offer a comprehensive introduction to both the technical and the practical aspects of map-making, from using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to produce maps to Community-Based approaches for populating them. It will train students to think critically and creatively about visually representing our world through maps by exploring topics on spatial datasets, cartography, collaborative mapping, and basic GIS software, and learning how these skills can be leveraged to conduct effective Participatory GIS projects. Students enrolled in this class are not expected to have any knowledge of GIS, spatial data models, data acquisition and processing, or cartography skills. The course will include a student-led practical submission.

Introduction to GIS:
This class will provide students with a strong and functional working knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS) which is used to communicate and analyze spatially explicit information. Through first-hand experience working with the leading GIS software package, ESRI’S ArcGIS for Desktop 10.8 (ArcMap) and Pro 2.x (Arc Pro), students will gain foundational skills, as well as an appreciation for the diverse ways that GIS may be applied to land use planning, conservation planning and research problems in any discipline where spatial data can be used. Classes will include lecture slides, discussion points, and hands-on lab work. Textbook exercises and technical readings will be weekly homework. Two (2) total projects will be assigned: A team mapping project & individual Final Project.

Advanced GIS:
As a continuation of the introductory course, this class will provide an overview of advanced applications of geographic information systems (GIS). Many of these advanced applications can be used in a variety of fields. Students enrolled in the Advanced GIS course are expected to have basic knowledge of GIS, spatial data models, data acquisition and processing, and introductory level cartography skills. Building on this knowledge, participants in this class will carry out terrain and hydrologic modelling and advanced spatial analysis. They will also learn how to integrate GIS and statistics. Students will also explore additional applications of remote sensing and image analysis, as well as experiment with open source GIS and data analysis scripting languages. Students will learn how to make the best use of toolboxes in ArcGIS 10.8.1 and ArcGIS Pro, including Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Network Analyst, ArcHydro, Spatial Statistics, and others.

Applied GIS:

As a continuation of the advanced course, this class is designed to provide students with a real-world experience, in the form of a practicum, to apply the advanced spatial analytical skills which they gained from the advanced GIS course.  Students enrolled in this class are expected to feel comfortable with the analytical methods taught in the advanced GIS course, and should have a comprehensive understanding of spatial data models, data acquisition and geoprocessing, and cartography skills. Building on the knowledge gained in the introductory and advanced courses, participants in this class will carry out advanced spatial analyses, ranging from hydrologic or ecological modeling to python scripting. A key component of the applied GIS practicum is to quantify spatial relationships and discuss their significance. Students may also explore additional applications of remote sensing and image analysis and experiment with open source GIS and data analysis scripting languages.

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